Friday, February 25, 2011

Leisabi has left Tulsa!

I am really sorry, folks for not keeping up with more stories. I know you all have been requesting for more...but forgive me, these past few months I have been damn busy with so much going on in my life!! Don't know where to begin....

Its been a great time...when I reflect back....I can see how stupid I have been in believing people at face value but it ain't gonna stop me from helping them again. This young Leisabi (lady) whom I wrote about in my previous story just upped and left Tulsa without even saying bye to us despite everything that has happened.

Both she and her cousin saw me at the church and they really could not avoid me as I sat in the front row. Her cousin came upto me and asked for forgiveness while she stood there. I wondered what went through her mind at that time? Was it appropriate to do so at that time in the church while the service was on? Wasn't she the one I helped her with a car or did she forget that too soon or did she develop amnesia already?

Why was she making her cousin do all the talking? Wasn't she taking responsibility for her actions? Or did she think she was a great master at trying to beguile people? Was it not better to have met at their place or somewhere to diffuse any tension or ease out any difficulties they might have had to confront me?

I still am trying to figure why she did what she did. It'll haunt me forever that I fell into a trap like this. The fact that they are from my own community makes it even harder to digest ! I have said enough now but cant help it continues to come out during conversations...

Another friend Simon Maring from Virginia informed me that these ladies gonna visit them on their way home to Imphal. When I tried to introduce these people to them last year , they did not want anyone to know them ! Methinks..if its for their matlab (benefits ) they didnt mind it cos they have all the ammunition to charm the males !!

If you met the leisabi (lady) you would not believe at all. You might all think that I am out to get her! No folks, sorry, I am just damn too busy to go in for that. I have no free time either..but I like to share with you all whats happened in my life so that it can be real helpful to others if they happen to be in a similar situation....I wish her no harm at all but request her not to do again such acts to anyone in future cos it hurts bad....!!

For me,I would have preferred they not go here and there but come to me directly instead of trying to be defensive of their actions. It did not serve any good nor any purpose for them to visit some religious workers from Manipur here to plead their case. Because its me who they have to face and deal with and not them.

I was the one to provide accomodation & car for their initial needs and notthem so its surprising how they thought their going from door to door to these folks would help their case!! Anyway, I have moved on but the heavy price of still making monthly car payments of $260 with high interest rates is still on. This is a great financial stress for me!! Don't know when I would ever get out of this debt !!

One of their room mates called me long after they left to say that an envelope was there for me from these ladies. I went & got it and this leisabi (lady ) left $400. Could she not have handed to me personally with an apology. That would have been much better! But I guess they didn't want to face me due to their guilty conscience!!

What a freak act on her part ! We had to part like this !! I always sing hosannas to everyone about the goodness of our folks !! I think its the case of a "bad apple in a basket"

Next week, I gonna be representing our community at the Assamese Bohag Bihu program in Dallas. I sure gonna be asked why those ladies aren't coming.. I can tell them that they are gone for good for now......I heard trom others that they gonna get married and to some they said they gonna open a restaurant...whatever.....It doesn't surprise me to hear such statements of theirs from others...cos everyone thinks they mean it ......

I am looking forward to meet up with all my Assamese friends there and eat all kinds of "Pitha" (assamese snacks)....!!

To be Continued.......

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